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Kingsbrier No. 4 is Coming This Fall!

During a Live over at Quintessential we talked about Cavanaugh, writing the Twinkies scene, and that the the most recent book was not only a #prequel, but a bridge between Daveigh & {drumroll} Adam's book!

I can hear some of you groaning... Okay, I am too. This is the story line that, from the series conception, has given me the most angst. I'm wondering how to redeem a guy that I've turned into a complete douche and #spoiler there's some "oh, sh!t" stuff that needs to happen.

As I've been writing, I've used the feedback that readers have given me as inspiration to create his love interest, Temple. She's no fan of Adam's, so he has his work cut out to get her to like him!

Adam now has a page on my website to help you keep up with release information and read an excerpt from the draft. You can also add the book to your Goodreads list.

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