Apr 9, 2018
Let’s talk teasers
I’m not sure how you feel as a reader about these quippy little book advertisements, but as a writer, they are super-hard to come up with....

Mar 24, 2018
What’s in a name?
My oldest and I were out getting his new glasses and I had to provide my e-mail address for the receipt. When the person helping us...

Mar 16, 2018
7 simple ways I support indie authors ...And why it matters!
1. Add their book my Goodreads TBR Why? Every time that you add a book or shift it to “currently reading” it shows up on your feed for...

Sep 23, 2017
Behind the scenes: legit blocks
I often remark that I should take my own advice more often. In a previous post I suggested ways to spur writing ideas. Sometimes you...